Strong Showing at Three Major Archaeology Conferences
At this year’s Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Conference – held March 29 to April 3 in Siena, Italy – UC San Diego graduate students Christine Wittich and Samantha Stout as well as Special Projects Coordinator Dominique Rissolo presented on three distinct topics, with Rissolo sharing the team’s research on underwater structure-from-motion (SfM) image acquisition and processing in a session entitled “Digital Frontiers in Maritime Archaeology.” Then at the 80th annual meeting of the Society of American Archaeology (SAA), 11 participating students, faculty and associates in CISA3 were represented at the April 15-19 conference in San Francisco. Graduate student Dominique Meyer, along with CISA3 Director Falko Kuester and Eric Lo, took the lead on a well-received paper in a first-ever SAA session on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for archaeological survey and recording. The special session was co-organized by CISA3’s Dominique Rissolo. Then a week later, at TECHNART 2015 in Catania, Italy, from April 27 to 30, CISA3’s Samantha Stout participated in three sessions of the conference on non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage.