CHEI Students Shine as UCSD Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program Recipients

 In 2015, News Release

UCSD’s Strategic Vision identifies four research focus themes that serve as enablers and drivers for a student-centered, research-focused, service-oriented public university of the future. These focus themes include (1) Understanding and Protecting the Planet, (2) Enriching Human Life and Society, (3) Exploring the Basis of Human Knowledge, Learning and Creativity and (4) Understanding Cultures and Addressing Disparities in Society.

To support these research priorities UCSD created the Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program (FISP).  This program is aimed at building the interdisciplinary expertise necessary to address society’s greatest challenges and forge new intellectual enterprises, which increasingly rely on the ability to work across diverse disciplines, either individually or as members of multidisciplinary teams. In the words of UCSD’s Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla, “The Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program builds the interdisciplinary expertise we will need to address national and global challenges.”

With great pride, we announce that six of our CHEI emerging innovators were selected to join the inaugural student cohort of the Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program. While being the lead on their respective core research projects, our FISP scholars closely collaborate with each other, bringing talent from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Structural Engineering and Physics into the mix. Please join us in congratulating:

Sebastian C Afshari
“HeliDrone: An Autonomous Helicopter Platfrom for Remote Imaging”

Miguel Antonino Cruz de Villa
“ParaDrone: An Autonomous Paraglider Platform for Remote Imaging”

Ian Dickerson
“3D Printable Structures”

Dominique Meyer
“Identifying Maya Pyramids with Aerial LIDAR”

Dimitri Schreiber
“CAVEcam-X: A Robotic Spherical, Stereo Imaging Platform”

Sabrina Trinh
“2D & 3D Modeling of Historic Sites from Image Data”